Today, EFAI directors are actively seeking ways to improve and stimulate the quality of education in the Hispanic Community of the Americas by identifying and promoting model programs, supporting outstanding educational institutions, improving the training of urban and rural teachers, granting scholarships for financially handicapped students who wish to study abroad and by offering financial aid for one of Mexico’s precious resources, its talented children and youth.
Promoting Model Programs
Bilingual Community Library.
The rural community of San Miguel de Allende in the state of Hidalgo now has a new bilingual community library thanks to the efforts of the Foundation, the Peterson Schools and local authorities. The EFAI and the Peterson Schools donated to the library more than 3,000 books in Spanish and English as well as all of the furnishings including bookcases, desks, chairs, a TV and DVD player and a Macintosh computer. Bilingual Community Library Full Article.

Colegio Bilbao
EFAI has awarded a grant to the Colegio Bilbao for its Scholarship Fund for the Children of San Mateo. This outstanding bilingual school is located on the western edge of Mexico City, has a scholarship program for the children of a nearby village to enroll in their pre-school through high school programs.
Peterson Schools.
These Schools were founded in Mexico City in 1965, as a bilingual kindergarten. Today they are located on four campuses and offer bilingual (Spanish/English) pre-school through 12th grade programs. The Schools are accredited in the United States by the Independent Schools Association of the Southwest and in Mexico by the Secretariat of Public Education and the National Autonomous University of Mexico. They are recognized as outstanding bilingual educational institutions. EAFI has granted scholarships to Mexican students, to attend a U.S. university, who have experienced financial difficulties. It has given a major grant for the construction of a science wing on the Tlalpan campus and has given a travel grant to an outstanding drama teacher from the U.S. to upgrade the School’s theater program.

Inter American School of Chiapas.
This Tapachula Trilingual School (Spanish, English, French) has enrolled ten orphans from government and private institutions who have bee identified as students with above average potential in academic areas. EFAI has awarded scholarships to two of these students for the 2005-2006 school year.
Teacher Preparation.
In 2003, the EFAI directors have given a scholarship to a student completing her master’s degree in education in Mexico City. In 2004, two scholarships were granted to rural teachers, who were enrolled in the University of Tlaxcala. This university, located in the state of Tlaxcala, offers a two year master’s degree in education, which is recognized as one of the best in the Republic of Mexico and is open to teachers throughout Mexico.
Study Abroad.
In cooperation with the Asociacion Mexicana Pro-Colegios del Mundo Unido – United World Colleges, EFAI has awarded scholarships for Mexican students to study in India and in New Mexico.
Talented Mexican and Youths Program.
After locating a very talented Mexican ten year old from a single parent family, the directors of EFAI were able to locate a U.S. foundation which will award him a scholarship to attend quality bilingual schools in Mexico. EFAI as resources permit, will aid one of Mexico’s most precious resources, its talented children and youths, by awarding them scholarships to attend qualified bilingual Spanish/English schools or to enroll in English language classes.